Greenford Church of England VC Primary School

The Church of England

Maple Class

Year 2 Staff (ID 1196)

 Inspirational School Quotes to Share With Your Kids



Welcome to Year 2!

What an exciting and fun-filled learning journey your children will take in their final year in Key Stage 1. Being the eldest year group in Key Stage One, this is the year where children take on new responsibilities and complete their KS1 SATS. We use all of the wonderful learning from our Key Stage One journey, as well as the brilliant new learning we will be doing in Year Two, to really show everyone how fantastic and unique we all are. We still love to play and get really creative!

The children will learning an enquiry-based curriculum includind brilliant topics such as The Great Fire of London (along with a trip to Dorchester to learn all about the Great Fire of Dorchester!) and Explorers to name just a few. 

Learning is an adventure - and I will guide your child through this adventure all the way into the beginning of Key Stage 2, making memories and learning as we go!

Miss Attwell 


Autumn 1 Timetable

Autumn 2 Timetable

Spring 1 Timetable

Spring 2 Timetable

Class News

Click the links below to see the latest learning in Year 2 on our Class Dojo page!

Class Dojo Parent Login Class Dojo Student Login 


Read Write Inc

 Read Write Inc Home Support Page

Accelerated Reader 

Children that have completed the Read Write Inc. phonics programme are transferred to the Accelerated Reader programme. To log in to Accelerated Reader, click the link below:
Accelerated Reader

 TT Rockstars

 TT Rockstars

Hit the Button

 Hit the Button

Spring 1 Geography Project

Home Project

Spring 2 History Project

Home Project

Autumn 1 - This term we will be learning...

English Writing Stimulus: One Tiny Turtle

Mathematics: Number and Place Value

Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 2 Mathematics. 

Geography:  How does the geography of Kampong Ayer compare with the geography of where I live?

PE: Dance and Netball

Computing: Computing systems and networks - IT around us.

Art: Explore and Draw (Drawing and composition skills)

RE: Kindness and the Good Samaritan

PSHE: Me and My Relationships

Science: Animal Growth

Music: Tony Chestnut (Focus: Beat, rhythm, melody, echo, call-and-response, tuned and untuned)

Autumn 2 - This term we will be learning...

English Writing Stimulus: VLAD and The Great Fire of London

 Mathematics: Addition and Subtraction.  Shape.

Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 2 Mathematics. 

History:  How do we know so much about what happened in the Great Fire of London?

PE: Dance and Target Games.

Computing: Creating Media - Digital Photography.

D.T: Mechanisms - Fairground Wheel

RE: Why did God give Jesus to the world?  The Christmas Story.

PSHE: Valuing Difference

Science: Animal Including Humans – Animal Survival.

Music: Carnival of the Animals.

Spring 1 - This term we will be learning...

English Writing Stimulus: The Journey Home


Mathematics: Shape and Money.

Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 2 Mathematics. 

Geography: Why Can’t Penguins Fly?


PE: Gymnastics and Invasion Games.

Computing: Moving a Robot - programming algorithms.

Art: Expressive Painting.

RE: How important is it for Jewish people to do what God asks them to do?

PSHE: Keeping Safe.

Science: Uses of everyday materials.

Music: Carnival of the Animals

Spring 2 - This term we will be learning...

English Writing Stimulus: Narrative Fictional Worlds & Fantasy - Ocean Meets Sky.

 Mathematics: Multiplication and Division and Length and Height.

Click here to see the National Curriculum statements for Year 2 Mathematics. 

History: What does it take to be a great explorer?

 PE: Athletics and Dance

Computing: Data and information-Pictograms

D.T.: Moving Monsters

RE:  Why does Easter matter to Christians?

PSHE: Rights and Respect

Science: Food, exercise and hygiene

Music: Grandma Rap!