Willow Class
Year 3 Staff (ID 1197)
Miss Trevyn BarlowClass Teacher
Miss Trevyn Barlow
Miss Rebecca HargreavesWillow Class Teaching Assistant
Miss Rebecca Hargreaves
Miss Kelly BenhamWillow Class Teaching Assistant
Miss Kelly Benham
Welcome to the Willow class page. In this class, your children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of exciting and fun subjects.
Along with our subjects, they can look forward to forest school, external visitors coming into school and various school trips.
I look forward to many wonderful days learning together.
Miss Barlow
Timetable - Autumn 1 (2024)
To be uploaded shortly.
Class News and Links
Class Dojo Parent Login Class Dojo Student Login TTRock Accelerated Reader
Autumn 1- We will be learning...
Guided Reading Book: The Great Kapok Tree
English Writing Stimulus: The Tin Forest (persuasive leaflet) and The Great Kapok Tree (newspaper article)
Mathematics: Place value/addition and subtraction
Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Years 2 and 3 mathematics.
Science: Nutrition, skeletons and muscles (Biology)
Geography: What do we find where the land meets the sea?
P.E: Dance and football
Computing: Computing systems and networks
Art: Gestural drawing with charcoal
R.E: What is it like for someone to follow God? (Christianity)
PSHE: Me and my relationships
French: Greetings/colours and numbers
Music: Ukulele with Dorset Music Service
Autumn 2- We will be learning...
Guided Reading Books: Lost Species and The Stolen Spear
English Writing Stimulus: The First Drawing (historical narrative) and The Magic Box (performance poetry)
Mathematics: Addition and Subtraction
Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics.
Science: Rocks and soils (Chemistry)
History: How did the lives of Ancient Britons change during the Stone Age?
P.E: Dance and ball skills
Computing: Creating media-stop frame animation
D&T: Cross stitch and applique cushion
R.E: Has Christmas lost its true meaning? (Christianity)
PSHE: Valuing difference
French: I am learning French
Music: Mingulay Boat Song and Sound Symmetry
Spring 1- We will be learning...
Guided Reading Book: Young, Gifted and Black
English Writing Stimulus: How is a sedimentary rock formed? (explanation text)
Mathematics: Addition and Subtraction/Multiplication and Division
Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics.
Science: Rocks and Soils (Chemistry)
Geography: Beyond the Magic Kingdom- what is the Sunshine State really like?
PE: Dodgeball and Hockey
Computing: Programming- sequencing sound
Art: Cloth, thread and paint
RE: How do festivals and worship show what matters to Muslims? (Islam)
PSHE: Keeping Safe
French: Instruments
Music: Samba with Dorset Music Service
Spring 2- We will be learning...
Guided Reading Book: The Pebble in my Pocket
English Writing Stimulus: The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Myths and Legends)
Mathematics: Multiplication and Division
Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics.
Science: Forces and Magnetism (Physics)
History: What is the secret of the standing stones?
PE: Dance and Handball
Computing: Data and information-branching databases
D&T: Eating Seasonally
RE: How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people? (Judaism)
PSHE: Rights and respect
Music: Samba with Dorset Music Service
Summer 1- We will be learning...
Guided Reading Book: Poems from a green and blue planet
English Writing Stimulus: Window (descriptive poetry) and The Thames and the Tide (writing a fantasy narrative)
Mathematics: Fractions/Length and Perimeter
Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics.
Science: Light (Physics)
Geography: How and why is my local area changing?
PE: Netball and Athletics
Computing: Creating Media-Desktop publishing
Art: Making animated drawings (drawing, animation, sketchbooks)
RE: What do Christians learn from the creation story? (Christianity)
PSHE: Being my best
French: Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood)
Summer 2- We will be learning...
Guided Reading Book: Arthur and the Golden Rope
English Writing Stimulus: The Last Garden (extended narrative)
Mathematics: Length and Perimeter, Fractions, Time
Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics.
Science: Plants (Biology)
History: How do artefacts help us understand the lives of people in Iron Age Britain?
PE: Tennis and Athletics
Computing: Programming - Events and actions in programs
D&T: Making pneumatic toys
RE: How and why do people try and make the world a better place?
PSHE: Growing and changing
Music: Fly with the stars
Choose an activity to complete linked to our Geography or History Enquiry (Task for the term):
Autumn 1 half-term project-GeographyAutumn 2 half-term project-HistorySpring 1 home learning project-GeographySpring 2 half-term home learning project-HistorySummer 1 half-term home learning project-GeographySummer 2 half-term home learning project-History
Weekly Spelling Homework:
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 12.07.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 05.07.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 28.06.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 21.06.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 14.06.24
Year 3 Spellings words to learn 07.06.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 17.05.24
Year 3 Spellings words to learn 10.05.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 03.05.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 26.04.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 19.04.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 22.03.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 15.03.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 08.03.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 01.03.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 23.02.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 02.02.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 26.01.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 19.01.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 12.01.24
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 08.12.23
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 01.12.23
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 24.11.23
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 17.11.23
Year 3 Spellings words to learn 10.11.23
Year 3 Spellings words to learn 03.11.23
Year 3 Spellings words to learn 13.10.23
Year 3 Spelling words to learn 06.10.23
Year 3 Spellings words to learn 29.09.23Year 3 Spellings words to learn 22.09.23
Year 3