Greenford Church of England VC Primary School

The Church of England


Willow Class

Year 3 Staff (ID 1197)



Welcome to the Willow class page. In this class, your children will be starting to work more independently on a variety of exciting and fun subjects. 

Along with our subjects, they can look forward to forest school, external visitors coming into school and various school trips.

I look forward to many wonderful days learning together.

Miss Barlow

Timetable - Autumn 1 (2024)

To be uploaded shortly.

Class News and Links

Class Dojo Parent Login Class Dojo Student Login  TTRock Accelerated Reader

Autumn 1- We will be learning...

Guided Reading Book: The Great Kapok Tree

English Writing Stimulus: The Tin Forest (persuasive leaflet) and The Great Kapok Tree (newspaper article)

Mathematics: Place value/addition and subtraction

Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Years 2 and 3 mathematics. 

Science: Nutrition, skeletons and muscles (Biology)

Geography: What do we find where the land meets the sea?

P.E: Dance and football

Computing: Computing systems and networks

Art: Gestural drawing with charcoal

R.E: What is it like for someone to follow God? (Christianity)

PSHE: Me and my relationships

French: Greetings/colours and numbers

Music: Ukulele with Dorset Music Service

Autumn 2- We will be learning...

Guided Reading Books: Lost Species and The Stolen Spear


English Writing Stimulus: The First Drawing (historical narrative) and The Magic Box (performance poetry)

Mathematics: Addition and Subtraction

Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics. 

Science: Rocks and soils (Chemistry)

History: How did the lives of Ancient Britons change during the Stone Age?

P.E: Dance and ball skills

Computing: Creating media-stop frame animation

D&T: Cross stitch and applique cushion

R.E: Has Christmas lost its true meaning? (Christianity)

PSHE: Valuing difference

French: I am learning French

Music: Mingulay Boat Song and Sound Symmetry

Spring 1- We will be learning...

Guided Reading Book: Young, Gifted and Black

English Writing Stimulus: How is a sedimentary rock formed? (explanation text)

Mathematics: Addition and Subtraction/Multiplication and Division

Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics. 

Science: Rocks and Soils (Chemistry)

Geography: Beyond the Magic Kingdom- what is the Sunshine State really like?

PE: Dodgeball and Hockey

Computing: Programming- sequencing sound

Art: Cloth, thread and paint

RE: How do festivals and worship show what matters to Muslims? (Islam)

PSHE: Keeping Safe

French: Instruments

Music: Samba with Dorset Music Service

 Spring 2- We will be learning...

Guided Reading Book: The Pebble in my Pocket

English Writing Stimulus: The Pied Piper of Hamelin (Myths and Legends) 

Mathematics: Multiplication and Division

Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics. 

Science: Forces and Magnetism (Physics)

History: What is the secret of the standing stones?

PE: Dance and Handball

Computing: Data and information-branching databases

D&T: Eating Seasonally

RE: How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people? (Judaism)

PSHE: Rights and respect

Music: Samba with Dorset Music Service

Summer 1- We will be learning...

Guided Reading Book: Poems from a green and blue planet

English Writing Stimulus: Window (descriptive poetry) and The Thames and the Tide (writing a fantasy narrative) 

Mathematics: Fractions/Length and Perimeter

Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics. 

Science: Light (Physics)

Geography: How and why is my local area changing?

PE: Netball and Athletics

Computing: Creating Media-Desktop publishing

Art: Making animated drawings (drawing, animation, sketchbooks)

RE: What do Christians learn from the creation story? (Christianity)

PSHE: Being my best

French: Petit Chaperon Rouge (Little Red Riding Hood)

Summer 2- We will be learning...

Guided Reading Book: Arthur and the Golden Rope

English Writing Stimulus: The Last Garden (extended narrative)

Mathematics: Length and Perimeter, Fractions, Time

Click here to see the National Curriculum Statements for Year 3 mathematics. 

Science:  Plants (Biology)

History: How do artefacts help us understand the lives of people in Iron Age Britain?

PE: Tennis and Athletics

Computing: Programming - Events and actions in programs

D&T:  Making pneumatic toys

RE: How and why do people try and make the world a better place?

PSHE: Growing and changing

Music: Fly with the stars


Choose an activity to complete linked to our Geography or History Enquiry (Task for the term):

Autumn 1 half-term project-GeographyAutumn 2 half-term project-HistorySpring 1 home learning project-GeographySpring 2 half-term home learning project-HistorySummer 1 half-term home learning project-GeographySummer 2 half-term home learning project-History


Weekly Spelling Homework:

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 12.07.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 05.07.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 28.06.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 21.06.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 14.06.24

Year 3 Spellings words to learn 07.06.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 17.05.24

Year 3 Spellings words to learn 10.05.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 03.05.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 26.04.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 19.04.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 22.03.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 15.03.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 08.03.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 01.03.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 23.02.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 02.02.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 26.01.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 19.01.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 12.01.24

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 08.12.23

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 01.12.23

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 24.11.23

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 17.11.23

Year 3 Spellings words to learn 10.11.23

Year 3 Spellings words to learn 03.11.23

Year 3 Spellings words to learn 13.10.23

Year 3 Spelling words to learn 06.10.23

Year 3 Spellings words to learn 29.09.23Year 3 Spellings words to learn 22.09.23

Year 3 Spelling Ideas

Full list of Year 3/4 words (orange words)

Red word bank


Year 3